When you set high standards, we make sure to meet them!
Our hygiene specialized cleaning solutions focuses on continuous improvement and innovation. Every facility is different and requires a unique approach, therefore, we believe in the application and combination of different methodology and technology based on the facility condition.
Our team leverages a playbook approach to analyse the current conditions and operations to determine the best project schedule and mobilization to perform our services As hygiene specialists, we believe in getting to the root of the problem in the first place. Our process starts by conducting a preliminary space evaluation, and based on that we offer our clients the best in class hygiene solutions.
Over the years, we have gained the business know-how and developed a proven procedure that allows us to seize opportunities, speed the work process and create the most thorough, precisely accurate services.
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Core company values
We dedicate ourselves to serving customers, putting our people first, and maintaining transparency across all our offerings. We may be proud of the state-of-the-art technology and exemplary services we offer, but we have built our hygiene empire listening to what our customers need.

Need-based model
With the growing market demand for health and wellbeing, which are mainly related to a healthy environment, we at Judux ensure to fill the gap and cater to our customers’ needs by providing 360° hygiene solutions.

Innovation and Invention
As a leading hygiene specialist company, we believe in constantly updating our sanitization and disinfection suites, to ensure that our clients receive first- class and durable hygiene solutions.

Team Building & Workshops
Our employees are our greatest strength. At Judux, we are committed in offering a work environment that not only allows our hygiene experts to be at their professional best, but also gives them a platform to learn and grow as hygiene specialists. We conduct dedicated training sessions, hygiene workshops, and seminars that will allow the Judux team to be up-to-date and always ahead in the hygiene field.

No shortcuts
When it comes to safety, proper procedure, compliance, and environmental concerns, we don’t believe in short-cuts and quick fixes. For us, it is all about getting to the root of the problem and offering a long-term hygienic solution.